React Image Upload Only Sending String and Not File

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How to Use a Simple Course Submit with Files in React

Gaurav Singhal

Front End Web Evolution


Uploading images or files is a major function of any app. It is an essential requirement for creating a truly total-stack app. For example, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat all have the functionality to upload images and videos.

In traditional HTML sites, the file upload class forces a page refresh, which might be disruptive to users. Also, you might want to customize the look of the file input in the grade to make it resonate with your overall app blueprint. When it comes to both of these bug, React can aid y'all provide a ameliorate user experience.

This guide will go you upwards and running with file uploads in React.

Creating a Basic Form

In your App.js file, create a basic grade that with a proper noun field and a file input.

                                      1                    import                                                            React                                                            from                                                            "react"                    ;                                                            2                    3                                        const                                                            App                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            4                                                            return                                                            (                                                            5                                                            <                    div                                                            className                    =                    "                    App                    "                    >                                                            6                                                            <                    form                    >                                                            vii                                                            <                    input                                                            type                    =                    "                    text                    "                                                            />                                                                                  8                                        9                                                            <                    input                                                            type                    =                    "                    file                    "                                                            />                                                            10                                                            </                    form                    >                                                            11                                                            </                    div                    >                                                            12                                                            )                    ;                                                            13                                        }                    ;                                  


At present, add together state in the component to store the name and the file data.

                                      1                    import                                                            React                    ,                                                            {                                          useState                                        }                                                            from                                                            "react"                    ;                                                            ii                    three                                        const                                                            App                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            4                                                            const                                                            [                    name                    ,                                          setName                    ]                                                            =                                                            useState                    (                    ""                    )                    ;                                                            5                                                            const                                                            [                    selectedFile                    ,                                          setSelectedFile                    ]                                                            =                                                            useState                    (                    null                    )                    ;                                                            half-dozen                                                            return                                                            (                                                            seven                                                            <                    div                                                            className                    =                    "                    App                    "                    >                                                            8                                                            <                    form                    >                                                            nine                                                            <                    input                                                            x                                                            type                    =                    "                    text                    "                                                            11                                                            value                    =                    {                    name                    }                                                            12                                                            onChange                    =                    {                    (                    east                    )                                                            =>                                                            setName                    (                    e                    .                    target                    .                    value                    )                    }                                                            13                                                            />                                                                                  14                                        xv                                                            <                    input                                                            sixteen                                                            blazon                    =                    "                    file                    "                                                            17                                                            value                    =                    {                    selectedFile                    }                                                            18                                                            onChange                    =                    {                    (                    e                    )                                                            =>                                                            setSelectedFile                    (                    e                    .                    target                    .                    files                    [                    0                    ]                    )                    }                                                            19                                                            />                                                            20                                                            </                    form                    >                                                            21                                                            </                    div                    >                                                            22                                                            )                    ;                                                            23                                        }                    ;                                  


Creating a Custom File Uploader Component

Now that the basic form is gear up, create a custom file uploader component that can be reused beyond multiple forms in the app.

If you check the output of the current grade, y'all will notice that the file input doesn't have a great look; that's because the browser defines its default styling. In this section, you will learn how to create a file upload component with custom styling.

                                      ane                    const                                                            FileUploader                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            two                                                            const                                                            handleFileInput                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                    }                                                            3                    4                                                            render                                                            (                                                            v                                                            <                    div                                                            className                    =                    "                    file-uploader                    "                    >                                                            6                                                            <                    input                                                            type                    =                    "                    file                    "                                                            onChange                    =                    {                    handleFileInput                    }                    >                                                            7                                                            </                    div                    >                                                                                  viii                      )                                                              9}                                                      


To create a custom file uploader, the first footstep is to hibernate the default input and trigger the change event using a ref .

                                      i                    import                                                            React                    ,                                                            {                    useRef                    }                                                            from                                                            'react'                                                            ii                    3                                        const                                                            FileUploader                                                            =                                                            (                    {                    onFileSelect                    }                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            4                                                            const                                          fileInput                                        =                                                            useRef                    (                    null                    )                                                            five                    six                                                            const                                                            handleFileInput                                                            =                                                            (                    e                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            7                                                            // handle validations                                                            viii                                                            onFileSelect                    (                    due east                    .                    target                    .                    files                    [                    0                    ]                    )                                                            9                                                            }                                                            ten                    11                                                            return                                                            (                                                            12                                                            <                    div                                                            className                    =                    "                    file-uploader                    "                    >                                                            13                                                            <                    input                                                            type                    =                    "                    file                    "                                                            onChange                    =                    {                    handleFileInput                    }                    >                                                            14                                                            <                    button                                                            onClick                    =                    {                    eastward                                                            =>                                          fileInput                    .                    current                                                            &&                                          fileInput                    .                    current                    .                    click                    (                    )                    }                                                            className                    =                    "                    btn btn-primary                    "                    >                                                            15                                                            </                    div                    >                                                                                  xvi                      )                                                              17}                                                      


Y'all can style the upload button to match the theme of your overall application. Send the uploaded file dorsum to the parent component using a callback prop; in this case, information technology is onFileSelect . Inside the handleFileInput method, you can do validations like checking for filesize, file extensions, etc., and based on that, ship feedback to the parent component using callback props similar onFileSelectSuccess and onFileSelectError .

                                      1                    const                                                            handleFileInput                                                            =                                                            (                    e                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            2                                                            // handle validations                                                            3                                                            const                                          file                                        =                                          e                    .                    target                    .                    files                    [                    0                    ]                    ;                                                            iv                                                            if                                                            (                    file                    .                    size                                                            >                                                            1024                    )                                                            5                                                            onFileSelectError                    (                    {                                          fault                    :                                                            "File size cannot exceed more than than 1MB"                                                            }                    )                    ;                                                            vi                                                            else                                                            onFileSelectSuccess                    (                    file                    )                    ;                                                            7                                        }                    ;                                  


Calculation the File Uploader Component to the Form

Add together the file uploader component as follows :

                                      1                    import                                                            React                    ,                                                            {                                          useState                                        }                                                            from                                                            "react"                    ;                                                            2                    3                                        const                                                            App                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            four                                                            const                                                            [                    name                    ,                                          setName                    ]                                                            =                                                            useState                    (                    ""                    )                    ;                                                            5                                                            const                                                            [                    selectedFile                    ,                                          setSelectedFile                    ]                                                            =                                                            useState                    (                    cipher                    )                    ;                                                            6                    seven                                                            const                                                            submitForm                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                    }                    ;                                                            8                    9                                                            render                                                            (                                                            10                                                            <                    div                                                            className                    =                    "                    App                    "                    >                                                            eleven                                                            <                    form                    >                                                            12                                                            <                    input                                                            xiii                                                            blazon                    =                    "                    text                    "                                                            xiv                                                            value                    =                    {                    name                    }                                                            15                                                            onChange                    =                    {                    (                    eastward                    )                                                            =>                                                            setName                    (                    due east                    .                    target                    .                    value                    )                    }                                                            sixteen                                                            />                                                                                  17                                        18                                                            <                    FileUploaded                                                            19                                                            onFileSelectSuccess                    =                    {                    (                    file                    )                                                            =>                                                            setSelectedFile                    (                    file                    )                    }                                                            xx                                                            onFileSelectError                    =                    {                    (                    {                                          error                                        }                    )                                                            =>                                                            alert                    (                    error                    )                    }                                                            21                                                            />                                                                                  22                                        23                                                            <                    button                                                            onClick                    =                    {                    submitForm                    }                    >                    Submit                    </                    button                    >                                                            24                                                            </                    form                    >                                                            25                                                            </                    div                    >                                                            26                                                            )                    ;                                                            27                                        }                    ;                                  


Uploading Files Using FormData

Upload a selected file using the FormData object. Append the name and file using the append method of the formData object.

                                      i                    const                                                            submitForm                                                            =                                                            (                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            two                                                            const                                          formData                                        =                                                            new                                                            FormData                    (                    )                    ;                                                            three                                          formData                    .                    append                    (                    "name"                    ,                                          proper noun                    )                    ;                                                            four                                          formData                    .                    append                    (                    "file"                    ,                                          selectedFile                    )                    ;                                                            5                    6                    axios                    7                                                            .                    mail                    (                    UPLOAD_URL                    ,                                          formData                    )                                                            eight                                                            .                    then                    (                    (                    res                    )                                                            =>                                                            {                                                            9                                                            alert                    (                    "File Upload success"                    )                    ;                                                            10                                                            }                    )                                                            11                                                            .                    catch                    (                    (                    err                    )                                                            =>                                                            alert                    (                    "File Upload Error"                    )                    )                    ;                                                            12                                        }                    ;                                  


That'south pretty much it. You have successfully created and added a custom file upload component.


File uploading is an essential office of any web app. Y'all tin can utilise other third-party libraries to create custom file upload inputs, just yous should accept a off-white idea of how they are implemented nether the hood.

At that place are several instances where file uploads are required, just with some customization. Third-political party libraries may not always help yous out in such cases, however, your custom file upload utility tin.


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